
University Hostels

University life is said to be the best time in the life of a student. But this period of fun and frolic is further accentuated if you are living in a hostel. Some may associate hostel life with dirty rooms, unsanitary conditions, terrible foods and lots of responsibilities. But there are certain Universities in Kyrgyzstan which have tried to break away from these norms and present before you the best hostels in their campuses. These Universities provide spacious clean rooms, laundry facilities, variety of well and Halal cooked food and picturesque views to make your hostel life the best that you can experience.


In IUK-ISM will offer separate wings for both male and female students. The hostels are located on-campus and offer students a safe, secure and comfortable environment enabling them to focus on their education and personal development to become competent doctors of the future. The hostel offers both shared (4 = quadruple and sextuple = 6 occupancy) rooms with shared bathrooms.

Each hostel wing will have its own kitchen, dining room and common rooms for group study room. The hostel rooms will also be equipped with broadband internet services so that students stay connected with their families and the World Wide Web. The entire University premises including the hostel will be provided backup generators for load shedding.

Each hostel will be supervised by a member of the faculty and hostel warden. To ensure safety and security of students, the hostel premises will be watched by security guards and have also been equipped with security & surveillance cameras. During their stay in hostels, students will have to adhere to the hostel rules and regulations laid down by hostel authorities.

Students also have the option to subscribe for messing services (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with the on-campus cafeteria. Students can also manage their own mess and menu under the guidance of the hostel warden.

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